
Student Achievement and Honors

BBHHS Honor/Merit Rolls

At the end of each nine-week grading period, recognition is given to those students who achieve academically.  In order to be awarded Honor Roll status, a student must achieve a grade point average of 3.75 or better. Merit Roll status is awarded to those students who achieve an average of 3.00 to 3.749.

National Honor Society

In order to be eligible for the National Honor Society Chapter, students must manintain a minimum grade point average.  The minimum required GPA is a 3.6.  In addition, students must exhibit strong evidence of character, leadership, and service in the school and community.  All coursework must be taken in the academic level or above. Those students who are academically eligible are notified during the first semester of their junior year.  Students not eligible or not selected during the junior year may become eligible or be reconsidered their senior year.  The National Honor Society follows all guidelines described in the National Handbook and Chapter By-Laws.  

National Technical Honor Society

The National Technical Honor Society honors the achievements of top Career Technical Education students, provides scholarships to encourage the pursuit of higher education, and cultivates excellence in today’s highly competitive, skilled workforce.

National Art Honor Society

The OASIS Chapter of the National Art Honor Society was initiated in 2011 by students Alex Meler and Mary Chowela and the BBHHS Art teachers.  They looked for a way to recognize students with exceptional ability in art and to establish a service honorary that could make use of their gifts.  The National Art Honor Society is a national organization that includes over 2,100 chapters and nearly 49,000 students across the country who are leaders in creative thinking and innovative service. 
      Purpose: The purpose of the OASIS chapter shall be to:
  • Inspire and recognize those students who have shown outstanding ability in art;
  • Foster excellence and a dedicated spirit to the pursuit of art;
  • Further creative abilities and talents of the Society's members, as well as the school's entire student art enrollment;
  • Aid members in working toward the attainment of their highest potential in an art area
  • Bring art to the attention of the school and community
  • Increase an awareness of art in relation to other areas of the school curriculum; and
  • Further aesthetic awareness in all aspects of the school's total program. 

International Thespian Society Troup 1260

Founded in 1929, ITS isthe student honorary division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA) , the professional association for theatre education.  It serves 4,700 schools around the world with an active student membership of more than 125,000.  Each Thespian inductee has completed over 100 hours of excellent work in theatre arts and related disciplines. In doing so, they have acquired essential 21st century life and career skills that include creativity and innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, teamwork, and effective communication.  Inductees join theranks of over 2.3 million Thespians and Thespian alumni including Jane Lynch, John Goodman, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, and Tom Hanks.

Tri-M Music Honor Society

The Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School Tri-M Music Honor Society chapter opens up a world of opportunities for students who have already shown themselves to be academically capable and musically gifted.  Through performance and community service, they’ll develop confidence, creativity, critical thinking, compassion, and a host of other leadership skills sure to serve them well in school and beyond.

German National Honor Society

Delta Epsilon Phi National Honor Society for High School Students of German recognizes the outstanding academic achievement of learners of German. The organization was founded in 1968 by Käthe Wilson at Coral Gables High School (FL), a devoted AATG member, to reward scholastic achievement in the study of German and to promote interest in the study of German language, literature, and civilization.  The Brecksville-Broadview Heights chapter was established in 2019 by students Katherine Dabkowski and Katherine Wise.   Membership in this Honor Society reflects a students' continued interest in increasing their understanding of their own culture by learning to appreciate another.

Quill and Scroll High School Journalists International Honor Society

Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists was organized April 10, 1926, at the University of Iowa by renowned pollster George H. Gallup and a group of high school advisers for the purpose of encouraging and recognizing individual student achievement in journalism and scholastic publication.

Since its founding, school charters have been granted to more than 11,300 high schools in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and 29 foreign countries. Media advisers in chartered schools are eligible to recommend outstanding high school journalism students for membership in Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society.

Scholastic Art Competition

Each year the Cleveland Institute of Art hosts the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition that recognizes creative achievement in area 7-12 grade students. The young artists and writers compete for cash prizes, medals, and scholarship awards. A panel of local professional artists, art educators, writers, and writing educators jury the exhibit and select the awarded pieces from nearly 3,000 entries. Students who receive Gold Key Awards for individual works and portfolios continue to the national competition held each spring in New York City.

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