
Facilities Use

Facilities Use


  • Review the Rules and Regulations and Fee Schedule, both located on this page.
  • Use the link to submit a request for use of BBH facilities. You will have to create an account and log in to begin.
  • Complete and submit the Facility Use Request form for the time and location desired.
  • Once you have received your approval via the email, print a copy. You will have 2 weeks in which to sign the approved form and return it to the Board of Education. Failure to do so will forfeit your request and the facility / room will be made available to others.

Rules and Regulations

All persons or groups must follow all policies and regulations or forfeit their privilege to use school district facilities in the future.
  • No smoking, use of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, or narcotics is permitted in school buildings or on school grounds.

  • Decorations, scenery, or moving of furniture must be approved prior to confirmation.

  • All items sold, distributed, exhibited or displayed must be approved prior to confirmation.

  • The Board of Education is not responsible for items left on the premises after an event.

  • Designated district personnel will be responsible for the operation of all stage, auditorium and electronic equipment. NO school district machines/equipment may be used without prior authorization.

  • Designated district personnel will be present and have free access to all rooms at all times.

  • The applicant agrees to be responsible for any damage as judged by the district representative that has occurred to the facility or grounds during the applicant’s use.

  • Each applicant must assign an adult sponsor who will insure proper conduct, that only members of the approved group will be admitted, and that all will remain in the area assigned.

  • Events having 400 or more attending require parking attendants.

  • Non-marking gym shoes are required in all gymnasiums.

  • The Board of Education will not be held liable for injuries sustained by any person or to any property.

  • Non–School District affiliated groups are required to provide a Certificate of Insurance to accompany application with the following minimum requirements:
  1. Commercial General Liability coverage, providing “public liability”.
  2.  Limits of not less than $3,000,000 each occurrence, $5,000,000 aggregate.
  3.  Brecksville-Broadview Heights City School District named as an additional insured.

Application Procedures

  • Requests must be submitted at least five (5) days in advance of the activity and approved by the Director of Business Services.

  • The Director of Business Services has the right to make exceptions to these rules and regulations, including denying any group the privilege of using the facilities.

  • Conflicts in scheduling will be the responsibility of the Building.

These groups will be allowed facility use in the following priority:



School and school sponsored/related activities, associations directly related to the schools (i.e. PSO, Boosters), will not be charged facility use fees.



Organized youth-oriented groups (i.e. scouts, City recreational leaguers), City government groups (i.e. CERT, civil service), community, church, and other non-profit groups within the cities of Brecksville and/or Broadview Heights will not normally be charged a fee unless they are conducting an activity that will require extra expense to the District (i.e. support personnel overtime, food service, equipment use).



Businesses, enterprises, industries and all private organizations and/or groups that have no affiliation with the  Brecksville-Broadview Heights City School District will be charged room rental fees and additional fees that will require extra expense to the District (i.e. support personnel overtime, food service, equipment use).


See fee schedule for the use of the facilities.

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