
Teaching and Learning


In order to fulfill our mission, the staff at Brecksville-Broadview Heights School District is committed to providing quality instruction for all students.  The foundation of good instruction is based on positive teacher-student relationships. In addition to developing supportive relationships with students, our teachers must have high expectations for their performance. Our classrooms must be student-centered and the instruction provided must be engaging, yet challenging. We believe that our students can learn and we must respond when that does not occur.  The following are essential questions we will ask ourselves as we prepare all of our students to be college and career ready:

What do we want our students to learn?

How will we know they are learning?

How will we respond when they don’t learn?

How will we respond when they do learn?

 Teaching and learning remains our focus at all times.  At BBHCSD we have a tradition of excellence and will continue to meet the demands of the ever changing world.  It is our goal to accelerate the achievement and progress of all students. 

This website has been developed as a resource to highlight the work that is being done by our staff as we transition to Ohio’s New Learning Standards and Ohio’s Next Generation Assessment System. The website is also part of our continuing efforts to involve and inform all of our stakeholders (community members, parents, staff and students) as we work collaboratively to transform education.

We encourage community and family partnerships.  Today’s students need us to work together to provide them with support and the best opportunities that we can offer.

Please feel free to contact my office at any time!


Dr. David Martin

Director of Curriculum and Instruction

phone: (440) 740-4028 or email: [email protected]

Cindy LaVoie
Curriculum & Instruction Administrative Assistant
phone: (440) 740-4029 or email: [email protected]g

© 2025. Brecksville - Broadview Heights City School District. All Rights Reserved.
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