
School Profile

Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School Profile

Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School is a comprehensive high school located 15 minutes south of Cleveland and was founded in 1882. We serve over 1350 students in grades 9-12 from the communities of Brecksville, Broadview Heights, and North Royalton. Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School has received numerous state and national accolades including being named a "Blue Ribbon School" by the US Department of Education in 2008.

We work hard to provide the best possible educational experience for our students. Our students have access to a wide range of courses including Advanced Placement classes, a thorough selection of college preparatory courses in the core subject areas, a wide variety of elective opportunities in the arts and world languages, and career technical education programs through the Cuyahoga Valley Career Center. We also support our students’ learning by providing intervention and special education services to assist their individual needs and to maximize their potential. Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School offers its students many extra-curricular opportunities including a wide variety of interscholastic athletics, a host of student clubs and activities, along with an elite theater and music program. We pride ourselves in preparing our students for college and their careers by instilling values that promote a lifetime of learning. We are Brecksville-Broadview Heights!

Click here for the 22-23 BBHHS Profile

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