
Policies and Guidelines

BeeKeepers Policies and Guidelines


Each student’s safety and well-being is of utmost concern to the Brecksville-Broadview Heights City School District and BeeKeepers program.  The program will use the safety and emergency policies in effect for the school district.

No student will be left  without the supervision of a BeeKeepers’ staff member or authorized adult.  All students must be signed-in/out daily by the person responsible for the students’s arrival and/or departure.  Sign-in/out sheets will be located at the Team Leader’s work area.  Students will only be released to parents/guardians and persons listed on the Child Release Form.  Release authorization book must be with the staff at all times.  If the Team Leader or a Team Assistant questions the identification of the person attempting to depart with a student, proper identification will be requested to ensure the safety of the student.  This procedure is not to antagonize or embarrass the responsible adult; it is done to protect each student.

A First Aid Kit is available in the Team Leader’s work area.  There ias BeeKeepers’ staff members at each site location who are certified in CPR and First Aid.  The staff has access to a telephone and emergency phone numbers.  The student’s emergency numbers are located in the Team Leader’s work area.  The parents/guardians will be notified immediately of any emergency involving their child and if necessary, emergency transportation will be summoned.

All accidents are documented on a incident report form, which MUST be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to the Team Leader to be placed in the student’s file for record purposes.  A copy of the report can made available upon request.

Although emergencies and disasters cannot be predicted, a BeeKeepers Crisis Plan has been prepared in case of fire, civil emergencies, threats and natural disasters.  The BeeKeepers’ staff and students are aware of all procedures  concerning emergency situations.


The BeeKeepers program will use the same Child Abuse and Neglect policy set by the Brecksville-Broadview Heights School District.  State laws require that any and all incidents of suspected child abuse or neglect be reported to the appropriate agency.  All personnel having good reason to believe that a student has suffered abuse/neglect are required to report such information.  BeeKeepers’ staff members at each site are trained in Child Abuse Recognition and Prevention.


Good conduct is based on respect and consideration for the rights of others.  Students will be expected to conduct themselves in such a way that the rights of others are not violated.  Students will respect constituted authority, conform to school regulations and accept direction from authorized personnel.  BeeKeepers’ personnel will be expected to provide the students with an example of appropriate behavior and social attitudes.

Rules of Discipline Section  32 091 1-9

There shall not be cruel, harsh, corporal punishment or any unusual punishments such as, but not limited to, punching, pinching, shaking,spanking or biting.  No discipline shall be delegated to any other child.  No physical restraints shall be used to confine a child by any means other than by holding a child such as a protective hug, so the child may regain control.  No child shall be placed in a locked room or an enclosed area such as a closet, box, or similar cubicle.  No child shall be subject to profane language, threats, derogatory remarks about him/her family, or other verbal abuse.  Discipline shall not be imposed on a child for failure to eat or for toileting accidents.  Discipline shall not humiliate shame or frighten a child.  Discipline shall not include withholding of food, rest, or toilet use.  Separation as a discipline shall be brief and age appropriate to the child’s age and developmental ability and the child shall be in sight and hearing of a SACC staff member in a safe, lighted, well ventilated space.  Students shall follow the code of conduct enclosed in their enrollment packets.

If a student violates this policy or the code of conduct, BeeKeepers personnel should report the student to the appropriate Team Leader and the BeeKeepers Coordinator.


In order to maintain a healthy environment, we ask that the student not attend the BeeKeepers program if he/she is showing signs of illness.  If a student becomes ill during program hours, he/she will be isolated from his/her group and cared for by the Team Leader or Team Assistant.  Parents/Guardians will be contacted immediately and requested to pick up their child.

Parents/Guardians will be contacted if their child shows any of the following symptoms:

  • Temperature of 100 degrees or above
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea one or more times
  • Discharge from eyes or red eyes
  • Rash or skin lesions
  • Discharge from ears
  • Difficulty or rapid breathing
  • Complaints of bladder problems
  • Evidence of lice infestation

If the student returns to the program and is still showing symptoms of the particular illness, the parent/guardian will be required to present a physician’s note stating that the child my return to the program.  A communicable disease chart provided by the Ohio Department of Health is posted near the Team Leader’s work area.  BeeKeepers’ staff members at each site are trained in the recognition and prevention of Communicable Disease.


The BeeKeepers program will follow the same policy set by the Brecksville-Broadview Heights City School District: all medication should by given by the parent/guardian at home; however, the BeeKeepers’ staff will be permitted to administer medication only when no alternative is available.  The following requirements are mandatory for all prescription medication that must be given during program hours:

  • Prior to any medication being dispensed during the program, the Statement of Permission must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian or  other person having care or in charge of the child.
  1. The name of the student.
  2. The medication name, dosage, times or interval, and dates at which each dosage should be administered.
  3. Name and telephone number of pharmacy and physician.
  4. Medication must be in the original container with instructions.
  • Separate forms will be required for each medication.
  • Dosage changes must be in writing from the physician.
  • Parents/Guardians are required to transport the medication to and from the program.
  • The first dose of medication must be given at home.


BeeKeepers before school program has cereal, milk, and juice available for the students each morning.  This option is offered between the hours of 6:45 – 8:00 a.m. at the program.

After school a nutritious snack will be available to each student.  On non-school days a breakfast, morning snack and a afternoon snack will be available to each student.  A monthly snack calendar is prepared each month and is posted in plain site.

Parents/Guardians must indicate on the health questionnaire, or provide written notification of any/all allergies including food allergies, to their child’s Team Leader and/or Team Assistant(s).

On non-school days, the students will be required to provide a sack lunch including a beverage (no soda) and the essential utensils.  All lunches must meet one-third of the child’s recommended daily dietary allowance, according to the Ohio Department of Education.  If a student forgets to bring his/her lunch, the Team Leader will notify the parent/guardian and he/she will be asked to bring a lunch for his/her child.

Families are welcome to provide a “special snack” during holiday vacations when BeeKeepers is in session all day.  Anyone interested must notify his/her child’s Team Leader or Team Assistant to make arrangements.


Parent/Guardians are always welcome to participate in and/or visit the BeeKeepers program.  However, special visitors (visitors other than parents or guardians) will require pre-approved permission form the Beekeepers Team Leader or Coordinator.

Parents/Guardians will receive a monthly newsletter.  The newsletter will keep families updated on important information, as well as provide recent news and a agenda for their school’s program for the month.  Please take the time to read each important newsletter.

Students attending BeeKeepers will follow the same policy set forth by his/her school with regards to bringing in toys/electronic items from home.  We want to prevent any personal items from being lost, damaged, or stolen.  The program provides a sufficient amount for necessary equipment and resources for the students to use.  The program is not responsible for lost, damaged or stolen items.

Donations of any kind are greatly appreciated!  Suggestions include: new/used books and toys, games, egg cartons, toilet paper and paper towel rolls, soap cartons and empty milk cartons.  Tissues and hand sanitizer for the cold and allergy seasons are always needed and welcome.  If donating used items please make sure that you clean and disinfect them before donating them to the program to help us control the spread of germs.

Please do not hesitate to share any questions, concerns or comments regarding the program with the BeeKeepers Team Leader.  We encourage parents/guardians to be involved in the activities whenever possible.

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