
Financial Reports


The district prepares financial reports in a number of formats to meet the varied needs of the Board of Education, State Auditor’s Office, and the community at large.

Monthly financial reports are prepared for each regular board meeting. They include revenue and expenditure analyses, as well as a financial summary, appropriations summary, and other financial details.  Reports up to 2018 are available here on this website.  In 2018, the District moved to storing documents in Board Docs with each meeting.  Please visit our Board Docs page in order to view all of our meeting agendas with Financial Reports, located towards the bottom of each agenda under Treasurer's Agenda Items.  BBHCSD Board Docs

The Five Year Financial Forecast is prepared in May and November of each year and projects revenue and expenditures over the next five years.  To view current and historical 5-year forecasts, please click HERE

The Annual Report is prepared at the end of each fiscal year in conformance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).
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