
Public Records

Public Records

“Public records” are defined as any document, device, or item, regardless of physical form or characteristic, including an electronic record created or received by or coming under the jurisdiction of the Board or its employees, which serves to document the organization, functions, policies, decisions, procedures, operations, or other activities of the District. “Electronic record” is defined as a record created, generated, sent, communicated, received, or stored by electronic means. “Public records” do not include medical records, documents containing genetic information, trial preparation records, confidential law enforcement investigatory records, records the release of which is prohibited by State or Federal law, and any other exceptions set forth in R.C. 149.43. Confidential law enforcement investigatory records, medical records, and trial preparation records are as defined in R.C. 149.43.

Although no specific language is required to make a request, the requester must minimally identify the record(s) requested with sufficient clarity to allow the District to identify, retrieve, and review the record(s). If a requestor makes an ambiguous or overly broad request or has difficulty in making a request for inspection or copies of public records such that the District’s Record Officer cannot reasonably identify what public records are being requested, the District Record Officer or designee may deny the request but shall provide the requestor with an opportunity to revise the request by informing the requestor of the manner in which records are maintained by the District and accessed in the ordinary course of business.

The district’s handling of public records requests is governed by board policy 8310 – Public Records. For more information, please contact the office of the treasurer.

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