
2025-2026 Kindergarten Registration

Kindergarten Registration 2025-2026

Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open on March 1, 2025. Do not attempt to register before March 1st. Registrations prior to March 1st will be deleted. 

All registration is done online using FinalForms. Your child must turn 5 years old by August 1st in order to register. Only the custodial parent/legal guardian can officially enroll a student. All day kindergarten registration requires a $500 non-refundable deposit at the time of registration. Slots for all-day kindergarten are assigned on a first come first serve basis once a completed registration and deposit are received. No deposit is required for half day kindergarten registration.

Parents may enroll their child in the all-day tuition based kindergarten program or the half-day kindergarten program.

Tuition for the full day program will be $2,900 for the 2025-2026 school year. There is no tuition for the half-day kindergarten program. 

Kindergarten Screening
Kindergarten Screening takes place in the spring for all incoming kindergarten students.  At this screening appointment, your child will interact with several other children and kindergarten teachers so that we can gather information about your child. The school staff will be looking at pre-academic skills in reading and math, work skills, fine motor skills, and preparedness for kindergarten. While your child is actively working with a teacher, you will be asked to fill out a short questionnaire that can help us to make the proper class placement for your child. Please note that all children who turn 5 by August 1st are legally permitted to attend kindergarten. A child’s performance at screening does not determine whether a child can enter kindergarten.   That said, there may be a few students who may not be prepared for kindergarten, who may have just turned 5, and whose parents may decide to keep them in preschool for an additional year. That decision is entirely up to the parents. Screening will be held on the following Fridays in our preschool: 5/2, 5/9, 5/16, and 5/23.  The process takes about an hour.  To sign up for screening, click here: Signupgenius_2025-2026 Kindergarten Screening

Kindergarten Phase-in
The first day of school for grades 1-12 is August 20th, 2025. Kindergarten has a “Phase-In” for three days, Aug. 20, 21, and 22. Your child will attend one of the three Phase-In days only. This helps us acclimate students to their new school and classroom in smaller groups. More information regarding Phase-In and a sign up link will come to you in August with your child’s teacher assignment. Your child’s Phase-In day is a full day of school (or half day for half day KG). There is no school transportation for kindergartners provided on this day. You can drop off and pick up your child at the preschool doors. The first full day of official Kindergarten begins Monday, August 25, 2025.  
New Family Orientation
Parents are encouraged to attend a parent-only evening on August 13th at 5:30 p.m. to learn about the Brecksville-Broadview Heights Elementary School. During the presentation, parents learn about various procedures including arrival, dismissal, lunch, recess, etc. Parents will also have an opportunity to see the campus after the presentation. We look forward to seeing you at this informational event!

To review important information before registering online, BBH Kindergarten Registration Flyer '25-'26.pdf.

See below for kindergarten registration step by step directions.
If you have any questions regarding enrollment, please contact:
Leslie Labbe
EMIS Coordinator/District Registrar
Phone: 440/740-4707
For other kindergarten questions, please contact:
Mr. Chris Hartland
Primary Level Associate Principal
Phone:  440/740-4119

Mrs. Colleen Toth
Primary Level Principal
Phone: 440/740-4110

Step One – Create Parent Account with FinalForms

1. Go to: https://bbhcsd-oh.finalforms.com/
2. Locate the parent icon and click NEW ACCOUNT below. If you already have a student enrolled at BBHCSD, DO NOT create a new FinalForms account. Simply login to your current account and add a student. 
NOTE: You will receive an email within two minutes prompting you to confirm and complete your registration.  If you do not receive an email, check your spam folder.  If you still cannot locate the FinalForms email, email [email protected] informing our team of the issue. 
4. Check your email for an ACCOUNT CONFIRMATION EMAIL from FinalForms.  Once received and opened, click   CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT in the email text.
5. Create your new FinalForms password.  Next, click CONFIRM ACCOUNT.
6. Click REGISTER STUDENT for your first child.  

Step Two – Registering Your New Student

What information will I need?
  • Basic medical history and health information
  • Insurance company and policy number
  • Doctor, dentist and medical specialist contact information
  • Hospital preference and contact information
How do I register my first student?

IMPORTANT:  If you followed the steps above in Step one, you may jump to number 3 below.

1. Go to https://bbhcsd-oh.finalforms.com/
2. Click LOGIN under the Parent Icon 
3. Locate and click the ADD STUDENT button located in the upper right. 
4. Type in the LEGAL NAME and other required information.  Click CREATE STUDENT
5. Complete each form and sign your full name (i.e. 'Jonathan Smith') in the parent signature field on each page.  After signing each, click SUBMIT FORM and move on to the next form.  As you begin finishing forms, they will turn from red to green to show you have completed everything with that page.   
6.  When all forms are complete, you will see a 'Forms Finished' message. 
How do I register additional students?

Click MY STUDENTS.  Repeat steps 3 through 7 for each additional student.

How do I update information?

Login any time and click UPDATE FORMS to update information for any student. 

Step Three – Uploading Required Documents:

1. There is a folder icon on your FinalForms account where you must upload documents. 
Please upload and label each document. Your child will not be officially registered until we have all of the following documents:
  • Student Birth Certificate, Passport or Visa
  • Parent/Guardian Photo ID - driver's license, passport or state issued ID
  • Current custody papers if applicable. Include front page (with court time/date stamp), signature page and all pages showing residential parent for school purposes. 
  • Current Immunization Records 
  • Entrance Physical  (must be turned in by the first day of school)
  • Copy of IEP, ETR or 504 Plan (if student is special needs)  
  • Notarized Residency Affidavit - if you are living/renting with another person/family, the homeowner or leaseholder must complete a notarized Residency Affidavit as well.  Both Residency Affidavits must list ALL persons living in the home. 
  • Release of Records (only required if your student is coming from another school district. Blank forms are on our website).
  • Two current proofs of residency showing your name and address.  See below for acceptable documents. Do not deviate from these items.
Owner or leaseholder of dwelling: any one (1) in the first column and any one (1) in the second column. Both items must include your name and address.
Warranty Deed    
Purchase/Construction Contract    
Lease Agreement  
Current Paystub    
Mortgage Statement 
Current Utility Bill 

Current Bank Statement 

Homeowners/Rental Insurance Policy 
Tenant of the Dwelling: Current signed lease and one (1) proof of residency from column 2 above.
Parent/Guardian residing with BBHCSD resident: the owner or tenant must provide two (2) verifications as required including a lease. The parent/guardian registering and residing with the resident must complete a separate Residency Affidavit and provide one (1) verification from the list above.   Persons in the home: List the names of ALL persons (adults and children) who reside at the above address.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Can I set up Final Forms in advance of the start of registration? 

    1. Answer: Parents can begin using FinalForms at the start of Kindergarten Registration at 8:00 AM on Saturday, March 1, 2025. Information or accounts created before the start will be deleted and not accepted. 

  2. Is there a cap for All-Day Kindergarten? 

    1. Answer: Yes, ADK is capped at 210 for the 2025-2026 school year.  Slots are assigned based on completed registration and timestamp of paid deposit. 

  3. How will I receive a time/date stamp for my deposit? 

  4. Answer: Deposits made through PaySchools generate a time/date stamp. In person check payments will receive a paper receipt with a time/date stamp.

  1. Do I have to pay a deposit? 

    1. Answer: Yes, for all day kindergarten. There is a $500 non-refundable deposit due when you register. Payments can be made through PaySchools using guest checkout or you can pay by check. Please make checks payable to BBH Elementary School.  Deposit checks can be submitted in-person or via U.S. Mail to BBH Board of Education, 6638 Mill Road, Brecksville, OH 44141.  

    2. Deposits are non-refundable.  The only exception will be if the family pays the deposit and later qualifies for free or reduced lunch and a request for a refund is submitted. 

    3. Please click link for Kindergarten Deposit Payment Step by Step Instructions

  2. How do I make a payment? (All Day Kindergarten Only)

    1. Answer: On 8/1/25 the balance of $2400 will be placed on your child's account.  There are two payment options:

      • Option 1: Pay in Full by 09/13/2025 - Receive a Discount - If you choose to pay in full by 09/13/2025, you will receive a $100 discount. Simply pay $2,300 by the deadline and you will receive a $100 credit on your account by the end of October.

      • Option 2:  Pay in full by March 31 - You can make monthly payments or pay the full $2,400 tuition by 3/31/26.

  • Payments are preferred through using PaySchools Central or by sending a check to BBH Elementary School. Please note there are convenience and processing fees incurred when paying through PaySchools Central.  To incur the least fees, it is recommended to set up and pay for fees via EFT.  

  • Download the following flier to learn more about the PaySchools Central payment portal for parents

  1. What if I am applying for Free and Reduced Fees? 

    1. Answer: If you feel that you will be eligible for free/reduced tuition, you will need to complete the Free and Reduced Lunch Application through PaySchools Central. The Free and Reduced application will be available beginning in August. The application must be completed no later than 09/06/2025 or the entire $2,900 tuition fee will be placed on your fee account.

  2. What is the time of the All Day Kindergarten Program vs. Half Day Kindergarten? 

    1. Answer: All-day kindergarten is from 9:00 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. Half-day kindergarten will be determined once enrollment is finalized.   Historically it has been 9-11:30 for a.m. and 1-3:30 for p.m. 

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