Robotics advisors Craig Kowatch and
Ryan Goubeaux accompanied four teams to state competition and watched as Teams A and D and their robots took 8th place, Team C took 5th and Team B earned 3rd place and the top robotic Excellence Award. Team D will now compete in Louisville, Kentucky a the World Championship.
The team members and their named robot names are:
2011 A Ryan Serrraglio, Matt Pitzer - A pain in the Bot
2011 B Wyatt Slifcak, Owen Horter, Adam Galauner - Hyper Drive
2011 C Michael Wilson, Casey Kowatch - Flap Jacks
2011 D Nick Battaglia, Matt Lawer - Make Shift
All four teams previously qualified and will be competing at the U.S. Open Robotics Championships in Council Bluffs, Iowa, in April.